Jenny Higgons
An Animal Hospital’s Auto-Responder Series
An auto-responder series is three to seven e-mails (250 to 500 words each) from a business that are automatically emailed in response to customers’ interest, such as making an inquiry, registering with it or placing an order on its Website. The series deliver a set sequence of messages that can be a multi-part sales pitch and/or educational information. The emails are sent to the prospects and customers over a period of days, weeks or months. An auto-responder series is very effective in obtaining and retaining customers.
A Press Release For An Art Show titled "Slave to Vanity"
Just about every company or business needs to send out a solid, well-written press release. I wrote this one to announce the opening of an show that featured a world-renown artist and a well-respected photographer.
A Business-to-Business Case Study
A case study is a one- or two-page "success story," i.e., testimonial, that explains via a story format how an employee's and/or company's productivity and services were improved as a result of using your company's product(s) or service(s). Case studies are proven, highly effective sales tools for acquiring new clients, as well as introducing existing clients to your other offerings or a brand-new offering.
Click here to read the case study