Jenny Higgons



Press Releases
Description: To announce anything that’s newsworthy.
Words: 500 to 600.

Company Biography Page Website
Description: A summary that highlights a company’s history and/or aspects of the executive members or owner(s). When people are making a decision about what items or services to buy, experts say that eight out of 10 of them will check out a company’s Website. Potential customers are looking for more information and reassurance that the company and its products and services are legitimate. These typically require an interview by phone or e-mail.
Words: A quick biography is a half- or one-page snapshot of 150 to 300. A backgrounder of 2 to 4 pages is 600 to 1,200. 

Media Kits
Description: Also called a press kit, it’s a pre-packaged set of promotional materials for a person, company or organization. It can be printed and used to mail out to the media. It may also be posted on a website in the Media Room or Press Room.

Basic parts include:

  • A short summary of what the company does and what products and/or services they offer to clients—aka Quick Facts, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) or Key Facts
  • Show how the products and/or services benefit customers
  • Company history or background, including personal thoughts or
  • Memories from the founder or stories about how the business got started
  • Brief biographies of the important members of the organization and publicity photos with each bio
  • News, events and activities including press releases and articles,
  • Testimonials, media clippings and upcoming events

Words: 300 to 400 per page; four to 10 pages 

Articles and Newsletters
Description: Articles are typically used as content for an e-newsletter or on a Website. They can also be used for online article directories and printed articles for magazines or newspapers. The purpose is to engage the reader, give them some useful, inspirational or motivational advice, tell them about a product or service, or provide some other news from the company.
Words: Articles and newsletters vary in length. Short articles are 400 to 1,200; long articles are 1,200 to 2,500; feature articles are 2,500 to 4,000.

Description: A folded tool used to highlight a company’s products, services, location, etc. The most common types of single-sheet brochures are the bi-fold (a single sheet printed on both sides and folded into halves) and the tri-fold (the same but folded into thirds). A bi-fold brochure results in four panels (two panels on each side), while a tri-fold results in six panels (three panels on each side).
Words: 1,200 to 1,800 or 4 to 6 pages in a 1.5-spaced Microsoft Word document

Sell/Data/Tear Sheets
Description: A sell sheet (aka. a datasheet or tear sheet) is similar to but typically shorter than a brochure, and it’s flat, not folded. They are sometimes printed on the front and back.
Words: 600 to1,200 or 3 to 4 pages in a 1.5-spaced Microsoft Word document

Case Studies
Description: A one- or two-page success story; a deeper look into how one person’s life was changed as a result of using a company’s product or service.
Word: 1,200 to 2,000 or one to two pages in a 1.5-spaced Microsoft Word document

Description: A promotion with the look and feel of a self-help magazine or special report. It’s written and presented like an editorial or journalistic article, starting with a headline and lead that promise to solve a problem or make the reader’s life better just by reading.
Words: 2,400 to 3,600 or 8 – 12 pages in a 1.5-spaced Microsoft Word document

Website Home Pages

Description: Also called a front page, it’s the most important page of a website; it’s the first page of a site and tells visitors what the site or company is about. Visitors can then follow the links provided to get more information. It serves as an index to all other pages on the website. The copy confirms to visitors that they are at the right place, that they’ve found what they’re looking for.
Words: 300 to 1,000

Information Pages
Description: Contains solid, relevant content such as “How To” articles, product reviews and any other information your prospective customers might need as part of the decision process. The goal is not to directly sell something, but to move the sales process forward in some way.
Words: 300 to 500

Website Inside Pages
Description: A detailed account of your company’s services or wares.
Words: 300 to 1,000

Sales Pages

Description: A page that directly sells a product or service. It can range from a short product description page to a full-blown sales letter.
Words: 300 to 500 for a short product description page and typically 2,500 to 3,500, but not more than 7,000, for a long-copy sales letter.

Website Packages

Description: A simple one consists of a home page and up to five additional optimized pages, including the home pages, products and/or services page, testimonials, an About Us page and a Contact Us page.
Words: 300 to 1,000 per page

Landing Pages
Description: A Web page where the prospects are directed when they click on an advertisement, link in an e-mail, pay-per-click ad or other search engine ad. They can also be directed to a landing page by clicking on an organic search engine result.
Words: Landing pages can be as long as needed, but the longest are typically not more than 7,000, equivalent to a long direct-mail sales letter. Most are 2,500 to 3,500.

Classified Ads
Description: They allow individuals and companies to solicit sales for products and services. They’re most common in newspapers or free ad papers, such as the Pennysaver, but there are a plethora of websites where classified ads have taken on a whole new meaning, such as CraigsList and eBay.
Words: Each publication may have a maximum word count or other specifications, but they are typically 50 to 250.

Small Print Ads
Description: Utilized in printed newspapers or magazines. Space is sold, on average, as a quarter-page or smaller, the smallest of which is 1/9 page or 1/16 page.
Words: 250 to 500

Large Print Ads
Description: Used in newspapers, magazines and trade journals, mostly in half- or full-page sizes.
Words: 800 to 1,200 or 1 to 2 pages in a 1.5-spaced Microsoft Word document

Yellow Pages or Directory Display Ads
Description: There are a wide variety of offline and online directories where businesses can list themselves and advertise their products and services for free.
Words: 50 to 250

E-Newsletter or E-Zine Ads
They are very similar to small print ads, except they are distributed online via an e-newsletter or e-zine.
Words: 50 to 250

Description: Also known as paid programming, they are long-format television commercials, typically five minutes or longer, that attempt to persuade the viewer to agree with the advertiser’s point of view while presenting a large amount of information. They feature between two and four commercials of 30 to 120 seconds during which they present an offer and invite the viewer to take action.
Word: 100 per minute

Radio Commercials
Description: Presented as a “live read” or a produced spot. A live read is when the DJ or announcer endorses or reads the ad on the air. A produced commercial could be a straight read with sound effects or music in the background, dialogue between two or more people, monologue where an actor speaks as a character or it could be a jingle.
Words: 100 per minute, which equates to a 15-second spot at 25 words and a 30-second spot at 50 words

TV Commercials
Description: They add visual elements.
Words: 100 per minute, which equates to a 15-second spot at 25 words and a 30-second spot at 50 words

Autoresponder E-mails
Description: Software that automatically delivers a sequence of e-mail marketing messages according to a schedule you specify. By sending such an e-mail sequence to prospects that visit your landing page but do not buy, you can achieve conversion rates of 10 percent to 30 percent or more. People are most likely to buy from you the second time within 30 days of the first purchase, so an autoresponder series to go out to new buyers is also a good idea.
Words: 250 to 350 words, from half- to full-page in a 1.5-spaced Microsoft Word document.

Long-Copy E-mails

Description: A long direct-mail sales letter.
Words: As many as needed to be to get your point(s) across.

Audiovisual (AV) Scripts
Description: A dual-column screenplay with video description on the left and audio and dialogue on the right, used in advertising, corporate videos, documentaries and training films. A multimedia script uses a combination of text, audio, still images, animation, interactivity and/or motion video. They have a common format, which includes an introduction, features, benefits, testimonials, offers, a call-to-action, close or conclusion.
Words: About 100 per minute. 

Description: Given to a group or audience orally. It’s presented in a structured, deliberate manner and is intended to inform, influence or entertain the listener.
Words: 120 per minute

E-Mail Capture Pop-Under Page
Description: An ad in a new browser window when visitors attempt to exit your Web page without ordering. The page offers free content in exchange for the visitor’s e-mail address.
Words: 150 to 300

All revisions must be assigned within 30 days of receipt of the copy.

Phone: 914-588-6114
E-mail: JennyHiggons@optimum.net